Ep. 44 - Treating Anxiety with Ecstasy-Assisted Therapy
Today we are joined on The Breaking Up With Anxiety™ Podcast by Jonathan Robinson, a psychotherapist and the author of "Ecstasy as Medicine: How MDMA Therapy Can Help You Overcome Trauma, Anxiety, and Depression and Feel More Love."
My goal with this podcast is to explore a wide variety of anti-anxiety perspectives and tools from experts in their fields, offering you as many options as possible, so that you can find what works for you to permanently break up with your anxiety!
And when I say "permanently break up with your anxiety," I'm not talking about those occasional anxious thoughts or feelings—maybe two to three times a year, which is normal. We're human, after all, and it's perfectly normal to experience a range of emotions. However, there's a significant difference between experiencing the occasional emotion of anxiety and living with an anxiety disorder.
In this episode, Jonathan and I discuss how he uses Ecstasy-Assisted Therapy to help people with anxiety, depression, PTSD, and marriage counseling. He walks us through a typical MDMA therapy session, contraindications, who would be a good candidate for this kind of therapy, who would not be, methods for not believing your anxious thoughts, legal concerns, and so much more!
To learn more about Jonathan’s work go to https://ecstasyasmedicine.com/
Jonathan’s podcast https://www.awarenessexplorers.com/
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Get my free Three Secrets to Natural Anxiety Banishment webinar training here: https://courses.taygendron.com/3secrets
Join my Breaking Up With Anxiety™ The Group Coaching Program here: https://www.taygendron.com/breaking-up-with-anxiety
Let’s hang out on Instagram! @tay.gendron
Website: www.taygendron.com
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