Ep. 53 - Types of Exercise That Make Anxiety Worse

This week on The Breaking Up With Anxiety® Podcast, it's another Ask Me Anything episode where I answer a great question from you—my amazing community! Specifically, about exercise and anxiety.

The question is: "I hear you say you're a spin addict and you love spinning... is that a type of exercise you recommend for anxiety?"

Short answer… no!

In this episode, I explain why high-intensity exercises like spinning aren’t ideal if you have anxiety, especially if you're dealing with hormonal imbalances or adrenal issues. Instead, I break down how to adjust your workouts based on the four phases of your menstrual cycle. We cover which exercises are most beneficial in each phase, how to avoid over-exercising, and why strength training might be a better option for long-term mental health.

If you’ve ever wondered how to balance your workouts with your hormones and anxiety, this episode is for you. Plus, I share how I personally cycle-sync my own exercise routine!

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If you’d like to submit a question for future episodes, click here to fill out this form! All questions are answered anonymously.

I’m excited for you to tune in, and as always, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the episode! Send me a message on Instagram after you’ve listened @tay.gendron

And don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode!

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Download My Free 5 Day Mini Workshop to Soothe an Anxious Mind here: https://courses.taygendron.com/calm

Let’s hang out on Instagram! @tay.gendron

Website: www.taygendron.com