Ep. 56 - Keeping Anxiety Away Over the Holidays

Canadian Thanksgiving has come and gone, and with American Thanksgiving just around the corner, the holiday season is officially here! Christmas, New Year’s—it’s all coming up fast. In today’s episode, I’m talking about how to keep your anxiety in check during this busy time of year! 

Every year, I get tons of questions from clients about how to stay on track with eating and lifestyle habits over the holidays. These habits have been working so well to keep their anxiety far away, but the busyness and lack of routine during this season can make it hard to stick to what’s been working. If my clients are asking this every year, I’m guessing it’s on your mind too!

I hope this episode helps you feel more grounded and ready to enjoy the holidays, hopefully free from anxiety! As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts—send me a message on Instagram after you’ve listened @tay.gendron

In this episode, I mentioned two apps I love: Ladder for progressive strength training and Opal, which helps you stay focused on what truly matters, making each day more intentional and productive.

For holiday-inspired recipes (and treats you can enjoy year-round), click here to explore The Breaking Up With Anxiety Recipe Library

And don’t forget to grab your 5 Free Moving Meditations to add presence into your daily routine! https://courses.taygendron.com/movingmeds

If you’d like to submit a question or topic for future episodes, click here to fill out this form! All questions are answered anonymously.

Download My Free 5 Day Mini Workshop to Soothe an Anxious Mind here https://courses.taygendron.com/calm

And don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode!

Website: www.taygendron.com