Ep. 59 - Breaking Up With Travel Anxiety

Today we're diving deep into a topic that affects so many women with anxiety... travel anxiety.

Fresh from my recent trip to Hawaii and preparing for Miami and Hilton Head, I'm sharing all the tools, tips and strategies for breaking up with 4 types of travel anxiety: routine disruption anxiety, logistics anxiety, physical symptoms and health anxiety, and flying anxiety.

I also share my own journey with travel anxiety and how that has evolved over the years, from having to leave a Euro-trip early due to severe anxiety, to needing a lot of supplement support during my next trip, to now being able to travel freely with minimal anxiety management tools.

If you are ever in Honolulu, I cannot recommend @oneoceandiving enough! 

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Download My Free 5 Day Mini Workshop to Soothe an Anxious Mind here https://courses.taygendron.com/calm

For more information on my 4-month Breaking Up With Anxiety Program https://www.taygendron.com/breaking-up-with-anxiety

And don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode!

Website: www.taygendron.com