S1 E5: Hormonal Alignment = Business Growth

As women, we aren’t taught how to honour and work with our hormones. In fact, we’re usually taught that struggling with our hormones is just part of being female… which simply isn’t true!

In this episode, Tay breaks down the art of “cycle syncing” and how to apply this to your business and life so that you can maximize your creativity, productivity, and energy. 

Much like the seasons throughout the year, our beautiful female bodies have 4 seasons within them every cycle. There are times where your problem solving skills will be heightened, other times when your communication skills will be heightened, times where you will be your most productive, and times where your intuition will be so incredibly clear. Knowing this and leaning into this energy within us as female entrepreneurs will be a game changer in not only your business, but also your health. 

Please note in this episode Jess and Tay talk about a program called Align, which isn’t available at this time, but the IN SYNC With Your Hormones Workshop has the same information if you’re curious about diving deeper into this work! 

For more information about Tay’s offerings and the Breaking Up With Anxiety™ protocol and workshops check out:

For more information about Jess’s offerings, check out:

We hope you enjoyed this episode and we will see you in the next one!