Ep. 3 - Nausea & Anxiety Explained
This is an Ask Me Anything episode where I answer questions from you - my amazing community! This week I answered a question on how to get rid of nausea and a question on how to begin to reduce or remove gluten from your diet.
There are many different underlying root causes and explanations behind nausea (hint: it’s not “from the anxiety”). Instead, the symptom of nausea is being created by several of the following body-based imbalances:
- Parasites
- Small intestine inflammation
- Not producing enough digestive enzymes
- Pancreas needs support
- Overburdened liver needing support
- Low stomach acid
- Not able to clear toxins effectively
- Food sensitivities (undiagnosed celiac disease, gluten sensitivity or general wheat reaction)
- Chemicals and heavy metals (aluminum, copper, fluoride)
Tune into this episode to understand how this happens, what can be done about it and to hear my tips and tricks on reducing how much gluten you eat!
2:08 - Nausea & anxiety explained
31:10 - Suggestions on reducing how much gluten you eat & why you should, if you have anxiety
The workshops mentioned in this episode can be found in this workshop bundle HERE!
Supplement Shops:
For more information about all the Breaking Up With Anxiety offerings, please check out:
- My Website: www.taygendron.com
- My Instagram: @tay.gendron
Download My Free 5 Day Mini Workshop to Soothe an Anxious Mind here: https://courses.taygendron.com/calm
Every few episodes, I will be answering your specific questions! If you’d like to submit a question for future episodes, fill out this form https://bit.ly/ask-tay-anything in as much detail as possible. All questions will remain anonymous and you will be notified via email when your question is answered!
Looking for a transcript for this episode? CLICK HERE!